Did you know that the signs of aging that you’re experiencing now actually started years ago?
Every age has its unique challenges. “Aging” skin is simply a by-product of life, it’s not a disease. But it’s something to take seriously in considering the plan of attack for treating your skin. With simple and sensible health and skin care strategies, you can look great at any age.
Your 20’s:
- Your skin cells regenerate at top speed.
- Your complexion is generally smooth and radiant.
- Proteins that give your skin its resiliency are firm and plentiful.
- Your primary skincare job is hydration.
20’s Tips: Review your skincare regimen. It’s possible that the formulas that served you well at 16 may be too drying for your complexion today. If you haven’t found a moisturizer, now’s the time. If you’re challenged by excessive oil or acne, look for an oil-free formula.
Your 30’s
- The times are changing.
- Aging, stress, and pregnancy can cause significant changes in your complexion.
- At this stage, most women begin to notice uneven tones and fine lines around your eyes and mouth.
- Cell turnover begins to slow, leading to dullness and uneven skin tone.
30’s Tips: Exfoliate regularly to counter the slowdown of cell turnover.
Your 40’s
- Wrinkles deepen.
- Elasticity and firmness lessen.
- Less able to retain moisture.
- Discoloration, puffiness and fines lines visible around the eyes.
40’s Tips: Look for cleansers and toners with more moisturizing capabilities. Increase the frequency of your exfoliation treatment to compensate for slower cell renewal. Zero in on the skin around your eyes and target this area with special formulas. Adjust your make-up – less is more. If you’re in a rut, take the time to reassess your colors and formulas.
Your 50’s and beyond:
- With today’s healthy lifestyles and longer life expectancies, you’re just getting started at 50!!
- Expect several changes.
- Underlying cells begin to flatten, causing your skin to become thinner.
- Dark spots become prominent due to hormonal shift and/or sun damage.
50’s and beyond Tips: Lighten up with brightening products to diminish spots and help produce clear, even skin. Night-time is the right time for products that combat wrinkles and loss of moisture and tone. As you sleep, your skin works diligently to renew itself. After cleansing, toning and treating your skin every evening, apply a rich formula that will support your skin’s after-dark efforts.
Establishing the perfect treatment plan includes proper consultation and analysis; attention to daily activity, medications, illness, lifestyle, product use and proper use. You don’t have to look your age, or any older…care for your skin, and start NOW!
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To Your Success,
Althea A. McLeish Wilson, RN, MSN
Educate . Empower . Encourage
Promoting inner health & outer beauty!