We all love heroic tales of overnight success, but the truth is expertise is never an accident.
Without the right training, peak performance is practically impossible.
I read reports of a fascinating study conducted with a few London cab drivers. These cabbies’ brains were measured before they became licensed cab drivers and then years after. What they found was the part of the brain responsible for navigation had grown significantly larger after years of intense daily training in the same environment.
I also have a friend who, for many years, was unable to reach any level of success. He attributes this to his many years in a relationship with someone who was afraid of trying and, according to him, kept him back. He finally had the courage to leave that relationship and within a year and a half, he put the final touches on his bachelor’s degree, passed his state’s school board exam to become a certified teacher and landed a job that more than doubled his salary.
It is highly possible that if you’re not achieving the success you desire, then it may be time to change the people you surround yourself with.
Because people… friends, family, coworkers…. will keep you back if you allow it.
But here’s the good news…..
Anyone can achieve expert status if you understand the process and is willing to do the work.
Here are three tips by Jeff Goins, the author of The Art of Work, to help you get better:
1) Master your mindset. What you think about, you become. Don’t be caught up believing that some people are “just born with it.” That will only put a limit on what you think is possible. Remember, anyone can get better if you take the right approach.
2) Practice with a purpose. Not all practice is necessarily equal. Sometimes, trying harder doesn’t get you better results. Push yourself past what you think is possible. If you’re not doing that, then you aren’t really practicing, you’re just spinning your wheels.
3) Get around greatness. It’s not just mindset or practice that affects our performance. It’s also our environment. This means putting yourself around others who will challenge you and help you grow.
Remember also that……
It starts in the mind, works itself out in your daily practice, and is cemented by the company you keep.
I look forward to hearing from you!!
Until next time…..
I help Busy Nurses & Professionals uncover Alternative Income Options to create an Amazing Life and Thrive!
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PS. Yes… I’m a nurse, but did you know that I have a side hustle? I’ve partnered with a leading financial service company and the number one thing they do is credit restoration. We’ve helped many people since I started on this journey and always looking to serve more. Check out these links…. Fix Your Credit and Earn Extra Income.
My goal is to connect people, ideas, and resources so that your life is better because I helped you make the right connection!!