Last Friday, I completed my first full week as a nurse manager for a freestanding ER.
I learned a lot, practiced new tasks and, I still have ways to go, but I think my “training wheels” are off!!
These are tough, challenging times, and I was told many times that “It’s a marathon, not a sprint!!!”
More often than not, I am my greatest giant.
I like details. I like steps. I’m a hard worker and I like to go fast.
But there’s a time for everything.
Part of my daily mindset training is to remind myself of a few things:
- To stay true to my talents and passion.
- Know that I was created on purpose.
- Learn to overcome feelings of inadequacies.
- Know what lifts me up and what trips me up.
- Know that I have everything I need to succeed.
It’s important to know yourself and accept yourself. Embrace all facets of yourself, and have a realistic awareness of your strengths and your weaknesses.
Most importantly, you’ve got to take care of yourself.
Many times we are hesitant to be kind to ourselves because it seems selfish or undeserved.
But here’s some good news…..
You can accept yourself and love yourself, and still be committed to a lifetime of personal growth.
Here’s how……
1. Be intentional. Shift from a world of blame, doubt and shame to a world of acceptance and trust.
2. Let go of guilt. Pardon yourself and cultivate self-compassion. You’ve done the best you possibly could.
3. Learn to forgive yourself. Past regrets can prevent you from practicing self-acceptance. Forgive yourself, and move on.
4. Celebrate your strengths. We are much better collectors of our shortcomings than our strengths.
5. Create a support system. Distance yourself from people who bring you down. Surround yourself with people who accept you and believe in you.
6. Grieve the loss of unrealized dreams. Reconcile who you are compared to who you idealized yourself to be. Then get back to being the best possible you.
Be kind to yourself. Understand that weakness and frailty are part of the human experience,
We are each gifted in a unique and important way. It is our privilege and our adventure to discover our own special light. ~Mary Dunbar
Sharing is Caring. If you found value, please feel free to share.
Until next time…..
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I look forward to hearing from you!!!
Connecting people, ideas, and resources so that a person’s life is better because I helped them make the right connection!!