I paid off my car note in June…. almost 2 years early! I also paid off 3 other bills that we incurred in the process of buying our new home.
I’m really excited. Going after the mortgage next.
It wasn’t always like that…. my big sister can tell you stories.
Lots of stories.
I grew up poor… not a bad thing but, after migrating to the USA, I got caught up in the bells and whistles. I was spending more than I earned.
One year, things got really bad. I was so down and out that I returned my Rav4 to the dealer. I was not able to make the payments.
But I made a decision to change the health of my finances. And that decision was one of my very best.
Any life change requires you to take one simple step: DECIDE.
It’s a very important first step.
Don’t become complacent.
Complacency is a thief.
It robs you of the desire to move to fertile ground where your greater potential resides and your grand adventure awaits.
Our rational mind knows that we need to take specific actions in order to achieve our goals, but our emotional brain begins to relax our drive and distract us from doing what’s important.
Here’s another truth….
You’re the only one with the true power to alter your destiny, to shape your life into the one you long for.
And it all starts with what you decide.
It’s that simple.
It’s up to you.
“Never forget: This very moment, we can change our lives. There never was a moment, and never will be, when we are without the power to alter our destiny.” ~Steven Pressfield
Sharing is Caring. If you found value, please feel free to share.
Until next time…..
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