Did you know that turmeric has been used in India for thousands of years as a spice and medicinal herb? My daughter was home for 2 weeks…
What’s the point in working hard toward a long and healthy life if you can’t enjoy it? Everyone longs to be healthy and happy. But making the effort…
Food is the best source of most nutrients, but a multivitamin can help provide what your diet doesn’t. Our bodies need many different vitamins and minerals to function…
Is it better to give than to receive? I don’t usually ask for help; more often than not, I will tough it out on my own. Getting…
Ready or not, here comes 2016!! Here’s a worthy challenge from one of my mentors. Take a few minutes to honor the life you’ve lived over the…
2016 is fast approaching, how do you deal with criticism? I just finished reading the book The Richest Man Who Ever Lived. It offers strategies for success from the…
On this joyous day, and throughout the New Year, may the light of love shine upon you and may your life be filled with an abundance of love. I…
Where are you with your holiday preparations? Thanksgiving arrived, and we’re on the home stretch to the Christmas. But, with the gift-giving, the cooking, the decorations…
Did you know that you can super-charge your skin’s defense with the power of antioxidants? An antioxidant is a substance that can stop or limit the damage to cells caused…
Do you feel sleep deprived and yawns a lot at your desk? Here are 8 Tips to boost your energy and transform your body into a fatigue-fighting…