Your time is precious! Right now, you may think that money is your most valuable resource because you need it to survive. But what about your time? Think about it….…
In 1980, a 13-year-old girl was on her way to a church fair with a friend when she was hit from behind and killed by a drunk driver. Her mom…
Life can get hectic and chaotic at times, and losing focus of what matters most is a frequent consequence. Can you relate? It happens….. We are in the middle of…
I was talking to my middle daughter a few days ago and she said something that had me mulling over it for days. It had to do with the status…
I read this a few weeks ago and was reminded of its truth: Remember what photography was like before everything went digital? When you took a picture, the first thing…
Life’s lessons are a beautiful gift, but very seldom are they wrapped in a shiny, red bow. The wisdom they bring is frequently from tragedy, sometimes from joy, and at…
When we were younger, most of us were told to go to bed at a certain time, wake up at a certain time, do our homework after school, eat dinner…
How many times per day do you use “I have to” to describe things you need to get done? I have to go to work. I have to get this…
I spent a lot of years inflicting pain and suffering on myself. Decisions after decisions until I was stuck and afraid. I lost my way. Lost my drive. Lost my…
Personal development sounds fantastic. I’ve been attracted to it for many, many years. And so does waking up early, reading a book every week and eating healthy. But until you…