Having and maintaining a good credit score carries many benefits Including….. Lower interest rate on your credit cards and loans. Saving money on insurance and security deposits. One of the…
Growing up as a poor, country girl in Jamaica, wealth seemed like an impossible dream. But I was an avid reader as a child, so it was easy to lose…
Social networks are a great way to stay connected with others. Facebook, Twitter, Google+, YouTube, Pinterest, LinkedIn and all the other social networks have become an integral part of online…
When was the last time you took a vacation and came back fully rested, renewed, and refreshed? According to a study by the U.S. Travel Association, Americans are terrible at…
Can you imagine spending days in a cat 3/cat 4 hurricane? Hurricane Irma passed over my house and it was crazy! The county I live in was in the eye of…
The simple but true fact of life is that you become like those with whom you associate closely – for the good and the bad. True enough we can get…
For a while I was friendless….. And I was doing ok with it until my daughter, Niiki, came home from college and one day said, “Mom you have no friends…. no one calls and…