Did you know that aloe vera is effective in helping you lose weight? Aloe vera is a species of the genus Aloe. It is a very short-stemmed plant that grows 24–39 inches tall, and…
Do you feel guilty about investing in and taking care of yourself? I’m a giver and a nurturer so taking care of others usually take precedence over…
Did you know that your brain is dependent on glucose for fuel? Every organ in your body depends on blood flow. It’s important to promote good blood flow…
I celebrate my 50th birthday this month and I’m grateful that I’ve made it this far in my journey. I look back at the joys and sadness…
Happy Fourth of July!! Did you know that three U.S. presidents died on July 4th? Known as the Fourth of July and Independence Day, we…
Good skin that lasts a lifetime doesn’t happen by accident. The appearance of your skin is a reflection of health and a measure of age and beauty.…
Milk thistle, also called mary thistle and holy thistle, is a flowering herb native to the Mediterranean region but is now found throughout the world. It’s a member of the family…
Every day there are plenty of good reasons to be frustrated. Undoubtedly, the people closest to us frustrates us the most. Frustration and anger are fundamental emotions that…
Dandelion is a sturdy perennial plant that can grow to nearly 12 inches tall. The plants have toothy, spatula-like leaves that are shiny and hairless and have bright…
Did you know that nearly a quarter of Americans still consider depression a sign of personal weakness? Depression is described as a common but serious mood disorder…