“We are the custodians of our bodies. We must take action to employ healthy lifestyle habits to prevent, reduce, and/or manage disease and illness.” ― Bridgette L. Collins
There’s more than enough research and information telling us that, a poor diet, smoking, being inactive, carrying too many pounds and drinking too much alcohol, can negatively affect our health. But, did you know that your thoughts and emotions can affect your metabolism, hormone release, and immune function?
Negative thinking, depression, stress, anger, anxiety, worry, or problems with self-esteem can adversely affect your health. When you’re stressed or depressed, cortisol levels increase in your body and this affects your immune system making it less able to control inflammation. People who are depressed are more likely to engage in bad habits that can affect their health and lead to disease over time.
There’s a lot we can do to help ourselves if we make important lifestyle changes. If you have one or more habits that are working against you, it’s never too late to set a course for better health. Start small but start now. You don’t need to aim for an instant and complete transformation. Small changes in your thinking, your diet, exercise, or weight can make a big difference to your health. Here are some simple things you can do to help you become more positive – exert from A Treasury of Success Unlimited:
Quit looking for a knock in your motor.
Learn to like your work.
Have at least one hobby.
Learn to like people.
Learn to be satisfied when you can’t easily change your situation.
Learn to accept adversity.
School yourself to learn to say cheerful, helpful and humorous things.
Learn to face your challenge and your problems with confidence and decision.
Your mind is priceless and when used properly, it can attract and create amazing and beautiful experiences and improve your health. Positive emotions will help you buffer stress, practice healthy habits, deal with adversity, and build strong relationships. But no one can do it for you. You must take the captain’s seat and do it for yourself. Bad habits are hard to break and change is difficult, but once you adopt a healthier lifestyle, you won’t regret your decision. A path that will give you access to health, wellness and a positive attitude is a path worth taking!
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To Your Success,
Althea A. McLeish Wilson, RN, MSN
Promoting inner health & outer beauty!
Helping you thrive, not just survive!!
PS. Inner Health & Outer Beauty Store: Health & Wellness with Althea♦
PPS. Did You Find This Helpful? If so, please feel free to share!! Leave a comment or contact me at althea@altheamcleish.com.
- Book: A Treasury of Success Unlimited – Chapter 6 page 116
- Anxiety and physical illness – Harvard Health♦
- Prolonging your life with seven healthy habits – Harvard Health♦