You’re funding your retirement, stashing a little away for your children’s college funds, and paying off student loans.
All while maintaining minimum payments on your credit card bills, car loans, and appliances.
That’s exhausting!
Are you wondering why you can’t make progress in any of these areas?
It’s because you have competing goals!
Don’t get caught up in trying to make progress on multiple fronts all at once. Instead, focus all of your efforts on one financial goal at a time.
One of the most successful strategies available is The Baby Steps:
This strategy helps to keep your goals from colliding and competing.
So, if you’re paying off debt or saving for a fully-funded emergency fund, then that’s where your focus should be right now.
“Inevitably we find ourselves tackling too many things at the same time, spreading our focus so thin that nothing gets the attention it deserves. This is commonly referred to as “being busy.” Being busy, however, is not the same thing as being productive.” – Ryder Carroll
Don’t forget to reward yourself as you accomplish each goal on your financial journey.
Because reaching financial goals like paying off debt or saving for retirement can often feel like climbing a mountain…. in 100-degree heat…. with a backpack full of bowling balls!
In order to stay focused and motivated, you’ll need to stop and celebrate the little (and big) wins along the way!!
So go ahead and treat yourself for the work you’ve done.
One of the best parts about your goals is that they can change, and it’s ok to change them.
As long as you have a plan, set an intention, and follow through with the best strategy for your financial wellbeing, you will set yourself up for success.
Sharing is Caring. If you found value, please feel free to share.
Until next time…..
Agree or disagree? I love your comments! So please let me know your thoughts in the comment section below.
I look forward to hearing from you!!!
Helping God’s people realize and achieve their true financial potential, become debt-free, build wealth and give generously!!
PS. Financially, most of us know what to do; we just have trouble doing it. That’s where a coach can help. CONTACT ME for a FREE 15-minute consult.