I get discontented from time to time.
Sometimes I’m flat out frustrated with where I am and my lack of success.
Recently I found myself “on a ledge,” as I called my episode.
I wanted to move into a management position at work and I was meeting resistance with every attempt.
But I kept trying
And then I got frustrated.
I’m so grateful for my friend Karla.
She has an uncanny way of “setting me straight!”
She helps me refocus
Talked me off my ledge and shortly after, I was hired as a charge nurse on day shift.
Check and check!!
Needless to say….
It takes effort to remain content with where you are while you’re on the way to something better.
The hoops and hurdles can wear out as you race towards the finish line.
You get sick of the clichés, well-meaning remarks
And you begin to put off being happy until when…..
When you get that new job/your kids graduate/you retire/or you win the lottery.
But the truth is….
You need to be happy while.
Instead of waiting until the “stars align”
Be happy while you’re waiting.
I talk to myself a lot and I coach myself when I feel discontentment rising up to steal my joy.
But whenever I can’t get it under control, I reach out to my friend.
My mentor, Valorie Burton, posed these questions in one of her blogs and they really help me refocus on what matters most and help me appreciate the value of the here and now.
Maybe you too will find value in them:
1) What are you grateful for?
Gratitude and contentment are connected. Gratitude helps you notice the blessings right in front of you. It opens your mind to the little blessings because, if they suddenly disappeared, they wouldn’t seem so little anymore. When you focus on gratitude, you stop talking, thinking, and complaining about what you don’t have and start being thankful for all that you do have.
2) What’s an important lesson you can learn right now?
When you’re too focused on the future, you’ll miss the lessons and opportunities of today. Who you become in the process of reaching your goal is even more important than reaching the goal itself. As you go through you period of discontentment, look for the lessons…… Character traits that are being developed and destructive habits that are being eliminated. Think about what you can learn that you would not learn otherwise.
3) When you look back on this time next year, what will you wish you had done?
This question is a biggie. Whenever frustration impacts your attitude, you’re more likely to make choices you’ll later regret. But when you ask yourself this question, you’ll see the magnitude of the opportunity before you. Rather than complaining or murmuring about how hard things are, you have an opportunity to face the challenges before you like a champion and intentionally affect the outcome.
4) How far have you come?
Stop taking yourself for granted. Maybe you haven’t made perfect progress, but who has? Acknowledge what you’ve done. Celebrate them. Treat yourself. Tell the world. Life is happening right now! Rather than waiting to reach the finish line before you mark off your progress, do it with every step you take. Take stock of your milestones while they are happening.
Discontent, blaming, complaining, self-pity cannot serve as a foundation for a good future, no matter how much effort you make. – Eckhart Tolle
Until next time…..
I look forward to hearing from you!!
I help Busy Nurses & Professionals uncover Alternative Income Options to create an Amazing Life and Thrive!
Download your FREE copy at www.altheamcleish.com
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PS. Yes… I’m a nurse, but did you know that I have a side hustle? I’ve partnered with a leading financial service company and the number one thing they do is credit restoration. We’ve helped many people since I started on this journey and always looking to serve more. Check out these links…. Fix Your Credit and Earn Extra Income.
My goal is to connect people, ideas, and resources so that your life is better because I helped you make the right connection!!