One morning recently, I awoke around 2:00 am and, no matter how hard I tried, I could not return to dreamland.
My brain had kicked in and asked, “How is that going to work?”
As soon as I started mulling over the unsettling news from the day before, sleep vanished.
I stayed awake until it was time to get ready for work and, as I was finishing up to leave home, one of my nurses for the night shift called out.
I sighed. And braced myself. We were already short-staffed.
Finding coverage for night shift is not an easy task
I silently whispered, “Help me, Father!”
I got to work with time to spare and just sat there….in my car…. a little tearful.
Every day is challenging, but some are harder than others.
Just then I received this message:
“Good morning. There’s NO STORM that God won’t carry you through. NO BRIDGE that God won’t help you cross. NO BATTLE that God won’t help you win. Trust God and NEVER GIVE UP. Amen.”
The timing was perfect!
Firmly assured, motivated, and confident, I readjusted my attitude, got out of the car, and went to work.
And everything worked out just fine!!
Are you trying to hold it all together?
Here’s a fact… you can’t.
But here’s what you can do…
- You can control you – your attitude, your response, your decisions, your choices.
- Know what lifts you up and what trips you up.
- Know what you’re about so that, even when you feel sad or unmotivated, you still push yourself to keep going and do what you need to do.
Life is uncertain. That’s not going to change.
Sometimes it feels like you’ve got life by the tail, and everything is going your way.
Then, this perfect little situation you’d worked so hard to create is cracking and crumbling, and coming apart.
There are many external things out of your control.
But learn to maintain your inner-strength and be prepared to weather whatever storms life may send your way.
“When life gives you more than you can stand, Kneel!”
Sharing is Caring. If you found value, please feel free to share.
Until next time…..
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Connecting people, ideas, and resources so that a person’s life is better because I helped them make the right connection!!