Every time that I work at my full-time job, I park either on the 5th or 6th floor.
I got the idea from another coworker who has been doing this for 2 years or so.
The idea is to park on the top floor, walk down to the ground, then walk up to the fourth floor, in another building, where our unit is located.
After working for 12 hours each work night, I do the reverse – walk from 4th to ground, then up 6 flights to my car in the garage!
My first attempt was pathetic
But I was motivated…. so I kept going.
Some nights my pedometer recorded over 10000 steps and I’m tempted to take the elevator to my car
But I push myself
And take the stairs.
Life is not easy and curveballs are constant.
Sometimes you may feel like giving up.
But let me remind you to keep pushing.
It is said that 80% of success is psychology – your mindset, belief system and emotions
And 20% is mechanics – learning, practicing, developing skill, setting goals, creating a strategy or an action plan, etc.
Challenge yourself to focus on the 80% and unchain your brain from the imprisonment of fear.
Liberate your mind from doubt and free yourself from disempowering beliefs.
The problem with most of us is that we live only in our heads…….
We have dreams, we set goals, and we get excited about them.
But we simply refuse to execute.
Because we’re chained and anchored down by our own stories.
We decide early that we can’t do something….. even before we try.
These stories limit your potential and stifle your ability to achieve.
I have a question for you…..
Is it time to divorce the story of your limitations and marry the truth of your unlimited potential?
Never allow what has happened in the past to affect your current and future possibilities.
It’s time to unchain your brain and tell a more powerful story……
A powerful story that leads to a life of opportunity.
With the right mindset and a renewed focus, you’ll begin to see options that you previously thought were not available to you.
Keep On Pushing!
“When the going gets tough, put one foot in front of the other and just keep going. Don’t give up.” ― Roy T. Bennett
Until next time…..
Have a great week!
I look forward to hearing from you!!
From the heart of a nurse….
If you found value, please feel free to share!!!
P.S. Many of you know that I’m a nurse, but did you also know that I have a side hustle? Check out these links…. Fix Your Credit and Earn Extra Income. My goal is to connect people, ideas, and resources so that your life is better because I helped you make the right connection!!