Here’s a story to bring home a few points….
A woman was driving and got caught in a terrible blizzard.
She was frazzled but felt better as she followed a huge snowplow.
It’s what her father would do, she told herself.
So she followed carefully.
Suddenly the big plow stopped.
The driver got out, walked over, and tapped on her window.
She opened the window, and he asked why she was following him.
She explained that her father always told her to find a plow and follow it if ever she was in a blizzard.
The driver grunted, and as he walked away said,
“Well, alright, I’ve finished the Walmart lot. Let’s head over to K-Mart next.”
So who are you following?
To where?
Life will feel like a blizzard sometimes and following the “snowplow” will feel safe, but where will it get you?
Like it or not, we are all following someone.
For most people, our social networks are our window onto the world. But your online connections will color your day, slant your view, and propel your actions.
We all need people who will enrich our day, our thinking, our work, and our perspective.
But in the end, your success lies in your ability to get the very best out of yourself under any conditions or circumstances, and your ability to adapt and change in life.
- Have a plan. Decide exactly what you want and where you want to go.
- Set a deadline. You may need to adjust it from time to time but always have a goal.
- Take action. Do something every day to move you towards your goal.
- Be Persistent. Resolve in advance that you will persist until you succeed, that you will never, ever give up.
You will not live long enough to figure it all out on your own.
And it would be a waste to try when you can learn from others who have gone before.
But always be careful.
Check the habits and results of the influencers in your life and see if they are truly heading in the direction you want to go.
“Whether you flounder or flourish is always in your hands – you are the single biggest influence in your life. Your journey begins with a choice to get up, step out, and live fully.” Oprah Winfrey
Sharing is Caring. If you found value, please feel free to share.
Until next time…..
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Connecting people, ideas, and resources so that a person’s life is better because I helped them make the right connection!!